Our JobOppO Community

Our 100K+ Network

The Veteran network is like no other and the level of empathy, support and willingness to pay it forward is extraordinary. The 2021 census tells us there are 1.2 million working age Veterans in the UK - JobOppO acts a bridge between over 100K in our network and our Employment Partners, as a Connecter - bringing together good people with good organisations.

Our 18K+ Community

Our community grows daily and is not only made up of OppOs seeking work now or in the near future, but is also full of others who have served offering insight, introductions and opportunities. With in over 18K employable users, many of who have accessed our bespoke career direction and employability training, JobOppO can connect someone to everyone.

And what else?

The breadth and depth of careers on offer in the military is vast and clearly this is reflected in today's Veteran community. From HR Managers, to Operations Directors, Project Managers to Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, Supply Chain Operatives to Cyber Security Specialists, Veterinarians to Nuclear Engineers, from Nurses to Accountants. All equipped with the skills, and the attitude, to not only do their job under duress, but also to do the job of the person next to them, and often, their boss. JobOppO works with our OppOs to help them realise their potential, demonstrate their worth and secure meaningful employment, all while ensure our Employment Partners' expectations are exceeded.

JobOppO Candidate Statistics